How We Help

We uplift children diagnosed with cancer and their families by increasing financial support, setting survivors up for academic success, and inspiring hope for improved treatment and survival outcomes. 


What We Do

A woman in a lab coat looking into a microscope

Advancing Pediatric Cancer Research

Through our partnership with the C17 Council, we support comprehensive research across Canada to improve treatment outcomes and discover new therapies. Our initiatives include funding innovative clinical trials and developing targeted treatments that make significant strides in pediatric oncology. PROFYLE is a national multidisciplinary program revolutionizing the approach to hard-to-cure cancers by employing precision medicine, analyzing tumours to pinpoint effective treatments tailored to individual genetic profiles.

A lady sitting with a child and the child's head is leaning on her shoulder

Enhancing Well-Being Through Comprehensive Support

Our programs provide crucial support from the point of diagnosis and beyond. We help keep newly diagnosed children connected and engaged, supplying resources for continuous learning and interaction. With your support, we also provide immediate financial relief to families helping them cope with the unexpected costs associated with ongoing treatment. We’re also there for those who face the ultimate loss, alleviating financial strain so they’re able to honour their child’s life with dignity and meaning.

A student graduating in their graduation gown

Empowering Survivors with Opportunities

Recognizing the unique challenges that survivors face in pursuing further education, we developed a solution to fill that gap. This assistance helps survivors of childhood cancer attend post-secondary institutions enabling them to achieve their educational and professional goals despite their health challenges.

Read more about our programs that provide unique impact for children with cancer.


Why Your Support is Needed

A child sitting on a hospital bed hugging a teddy bear

Childhood Cancer Canada is the only national organization dedicated to providing community programs nationwide and funding critical research for childhood cancer. Despite the unique challenges of childhood cancer, which can occur from birth up to age 18, it remains drastically underfunded—receiving only 7% of all cancer research funding in Canada. 

Every day, six children in Canada are diagnosed with cancer. Those who do survive often face severe long-term health challenges later in life, including heart disease, bone density decline, and even secondary cancers. 

Investing in childhood cancer research is crucial to improve treatments and ensure survivors can lead long, healthy lives.

Child smiling in hospital bed

Navigating Life with Cancer

A diagnosis alters a child’s life, leading to frequent hospital visits that disrupt normal childhood activities and development. Your gifts support children and their families from the start, helping them cope with the emotional and physical demands of cancer treatment.

An adult sitting at a table looking at financial records

Financial Hardships

Cancer can lead to significant financial strain like lost income and increased expenses like travel, medical bills, and necessary home adjustments. You provide financial assistance to these families, helping them manage not only treatment costs but also everyday living expenses.

a photo of white flowers

Unexpected Loss

End of life costs can be overwhelming, especially after prolonged medical expenses. Your generosity assists bereaved families with these expenses, allowing them to honour their child without the added financial stress.

A student sitting at a table writing

Challenges Accessing Education

Surviving cancer is just the beginning. Many survivors find it difficult to pursue further education due to the lasting financial effects on their families. With the rising costs of higher education, additional support is essential to help these young survivors fulfill their academic and professional aspirations.

For as little as $10 a month, you can change the future of children living with cancer today.


Where Your Contributions Go


Through our partnerships, we help drive critical research, clinical trials and innovative treatment that gives children a fighting chance at survival, health and longevity.


Our scholarship program empowers survivors to rebuild their lives and pursue their academic goals so they can live the lives they dream of, beyond cancer.


From providing educational resources and financial relief to sparking moments of joy, we offer ongoing and thoughtful care for families at every step of their journey with cancer.


Your support enables families to cope with childhood cancer and empowers children to pursue their dreams.